Abortion Rights- it should be legal but I do think it is wrong.
stronger immigration laws (applying to companies that hire
pressure to be put on the government of Mexico to get a reasonable minumum wage
higher penalties for aiding illegal aliens
High tariffs on all imported goods-
reading the constitution as it is written
Death penalty for Child Molesters, also for Rapists and
murderers of multiple offences that didn't all happen at the same time.
Drug legalization- not just weed but all drugs (no, I don't
take drugs)
National health care plan.- one of the major reasons jobs are
going to other countries is because they don't want to pay health care.
a national basic college or trade school tuition plan- The
US is losing jobs and education is one of the many reasons why
firearm eduction courses in high school
- With education people are less likely to hurt others with them wether by mistake or on purpose.