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This is a series of thread openers I made in a political forum that I read.
I will be adding to it.

What I believe (the draft)


I think a draft would be a good idea at this point but I would like it to include more then just military service. I’d like it to include social services of all kinds in the country and out. It would be a great learning experience for 18 year olds to work for like 2 yrs helping their communities, or country. I think that working as a regular soldier should be totally voluntary and that people in draft positions with the military should only be in supporting roles.


What I believe (Iraq war)

We never should have invaded Iraq. Yes, there were social reasons to do it but if we were going to do it for that reason the time to do it had passed a long time ago.

Bush Sr wrote in a book why he didn’t go into Iraq during the Gulf War and those reasons have been proven right by this war. All we are doing by being there is kill people and spending tons of money.

The only people that it is helping are the people that own the companies that are profiting off of it.


What I believe (abortion)

I believe that abortion is murder and that abortions should not be done.

But that doesn’t mean I think they should be illegal. I don’t believe I have a right to stop someone else from making that mistake with their own body. I also believe that females will have it done whether it is legal or not. If it has to happen I would prefer that it happen in a medical facility and the female be able to get help afterward to help deal with it.

I also believe that rape victims should be able to get them without being questioned.

When it comes to this issue what I would like to see happen is for honest education of young people about what happens and the options that are available. I believe that would end most abortions in this country. It’s too bad that most info I see on the subject either glosses over the problem or tries to frighten. Honesty would work out much better.


What I believe (privatization)

At one time I thought this was a very good idea, I was wrong. Michigan has privatized a lot of services. So, now we are spending the same amount of money and getting almost nothing for that money.

I believe in results and the results here have sucked.


What I believe (welfare)

There is a big need for reform of the welfare system. The way it is set up today it is quite costly while degrading the people they are failing to help.

We need to focus on education to fix the problem. People will be stuck on welfare forever if they don’t get an education so they can make enough to get off of it. The welfare to work idea sounds good but it doesn’t really work because the jobs that are out there for uneducated people don’t pay enough to keep a family going. Putting people that are on welfare in school is actually cheaper in the long run.


What I believe (immigration)

Our immigration laws are actually pretty fair the way they are. Unlike many countries we will take in the poor. We do limit the number of people that can come in each year but so do other countries.

Legal immigration is good for our country. Legal immigrants contribute to our society and make us strong. My mother came to this country in 1964 and although she did come from a rich country she was raised very poor. She has tried to make where she lives a better place and has done so. Other legal immigrants have done the same.

The current illegal immigration is contributing more to corporations and Mexico then they to our society. The illegals are being abused by our companies and our people. The economy is being hurt and services are being over utilized.

The only people to win in this situation are the big companies.


What I believe (job outsourcing)

A sad thing is that I don’t believe an of my ideas on this subject will ever happen.

I believe that we need high tariffs on all imports. That we need laws to protect our workers, like laws to force companies to have customer service for this country to be in this country, like having a limit on the amount a company can import and if they go over that limit then they need to have 75% of there produce made domestically. 



I think there should be a standardized test at the end of each year about what the kids are supposed to have learned and if they don’t pass they need to go to summer school and take the test again at the end. If they don’t pass it then they need to redo the grade.

I think teachers should be held a countable for how well the students do. Wages should be connected with results.

I think that social issues have no place in school. They need to be teaching the sciences, Math, Arts, and English. Morals need to be taught at home.

School uniforms would be a very good Idea.

Busing is wrong, it causes more problems then it fixes.

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