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I have been going through changes and not all of this is accurate to my beliefs anymore. I am actively working on changes so please come back to see what changes.
I should state that my oppinion of Bush has gotten worse not better. It's a good thing I don't live near Washington anymore.


I have noticed that many people think that if you don't agree on one issue than you don't agree on anything.They also think if you disagree you must be evil. I think both ideas are dumb. I like talking with people that disagree with me. Heck, if they argue well they can be down right sexy


What do I believe?
I am not a republican or a democrat. I have no party loyalty of any kind but lately I have been leaning toward the democrats and Greens. I do not like the neo-conservative movement at all.I have a strong hatred for the Bush admin. and I am not in favor of the war in Iraq. the first time around I was a McCain supporter. I no longer support him and would not vote for him if he ran again. I see him to have no honor.   

Are you ready?

Will you be able to take care of yourself when the grid goes down?  I know I'll be ok.
Yes, I am one of those conspiricy loving survivialist nutjobs and proud of it.
I do believe in many of those theories mainly because of how many of them have been proven to be true in the past and then swept under the rug. The government lies so much that the truth isn't easy to see any more.
When it comes to survivalism. I think that it is appearant to anyone that is paying attention that our current system is in it's decline. The signs are there and there are so many ways that we are on the verge of collape it isn't funny. So my attitude is to do what I can to help others for now but to be ready to take care of myself and those that I love when the time comes that we are on our own.
I was taught that if we don't learn from history then we will be doomed to repeat it. Our government seems to have learned nothing.

People shouting at the world over megaphones; Size=240 pixels wide

The Federalist Papers

Antifederalist Papers

Vets that hate Rove

Petition to fire Rove

Issues that I am for-

Abortion Rights- it should be legal but I do think it is wrong.
stronger immigration laws (applying to companies that hire illegals)
pressure to be put on the government of Mexico to get a reasonable minumum wage
higher penalties for aiding illegal aliens
High tariffs on all imported goods-
reading the constitution as it is written
Death penalty for Child Molesters, also for Rapists and murderers of multiple offences that didn't all happen at the same time.
Drug legalization- not just weed but all drugs (no, I don't take drugs)
National health care plan.- one of the major reasons jobs are going to other countries is because they don't want to pay health care.
a national basic college or trade school tuition plan- The US is losing jobs and education is one of the many reasons why
firearm eduction courses in high school - With education people are less likely to hurt others with them wether by mistake or on purpose.

Dear Mr. President by Pink-

Things that I think are wrong-

Changing SSI/SSD- I don't like the current plan to change it. I think it would kill it much faster than just leaving it alone would.
Gun Control-  read the constitution and you'll understand why. 
The Patriot Act-  See reason above.
School Busing-  There are problems with it that in most cases are not dealt with properly
increasing school funding-  But They need to fix the problems that exist. Funding increases need to be tied to tangable improvments.  More Education (which includes the Arts)and less social programming
violence in the media and music-  It's just gotten to be to much but I don't think laws are the answer.
School Prayer and religious education- It's my job to teach that to my kid.


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