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What is Pictish Wicca?

Peti-Wita: Scottish Solitary tradition passed on by Aidan Breac, who personally teaches students in his home at Castle Carnacae, in Scotland. The tradition is attuned to the solar and lunar changes, with a balance between the God and Goddess. Meditation and divination play a large part in the tradition and it also teaches several variations on on solitary working of magick. .

Pictish Wicca (aka Peti-wita) is based upon the very old magickal and religious practices of the Picts. 
Pictish is Scottish witchcraft with a strong connection to nature in all of its forms. The practice is actually mostly magickal with little emphasis on the religious aspect. This is practiced as a solitary tradition.

From other sources-

WITA:  The study and practice of the religion of the Picts, the pre-Celtic inhabitants of  northern Scotland. Pecti-Wita is concerned with all aspects of prosperity, growth, abundance, creativity, and healing, and honors the Celtic Dieties.  The main tools in Pecti-Wita are the Staff and the Athame or Dirk. Pecti-Witans  use a "Keek-Stane" which is, in effect, a scrying stone or the equivalent of a crystal ball. Also known as Pecti-Wita, Pictish Witchcraft. An eclectic Irish path which keeps very old Irish traditions and combines them with the influences of the Norse. Witta values Irish Pagan history and recognizes that at each stage in its development, over many centuries, each generation has been able to add something of value. Until recent times Wittan covens were characterized by strict stratification and one-on-one teaching for its apprentices. Today most Wittan covens operate on a consensus basis and will accept self-initiation and the solitary life as valid. It is very similar to the Scottish Pecti-Wita which is evolved from Pictish, rather  than Irish, tradition. Also known as Witta.


Quartz crystal at the Peoples fest!
Second weekend in August in Calumet
