Trees near the vortex at the Peoples fest |
Many of us associate our most deeply-held convictions with a single, life-changing experience. Others have always held
certain beliefs sacred. In either case, it is important to talk about our experience and share our story.
I'll use
this page to share my story. For example, if a particular experience or event has been especially inspiring for me, I might
recount that experience in detail.
These pages are a work in progress so bare with me when it comes to how finished things are. this isn't a professional
site by any mesure of the imagination.
I was born into the reorganized church of latter day saints but for the most part I never did fit in there. The
reason I feel like I didn't belonged? I didn't believe that Jesus was the son of god in any greater sense than we
all are. Not only did I not believe it but I do believe that if read properly the 3 books of the bible (yes, I wrote three,
I count the book of Mormon) actually back up my position.
In my teen years my life kind of fell apart due to being abused and because of extreme drug use. When I was 19 I got
off the drugsand started getting my life together. I was introducted to the 12 steps and I used them to help me get things
the 12 steps said that I needed to believe in something greater then me. Although I still didn't agree with the church
I did believe that there was more then just us. I needed to figure out what it was that I actually did believe in, which is
what I did. I discovered what I believed and then looked for a belief system that agreed with me which turned out to be the
pre christian beliefs of my own back ground.