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SCA Heraldry

What is heraldry?

Heraldry is, in its basic form, simply a means of identification. From simple beginnings of a device painted on a shield for easy identification from a distance in battle, heraldry has developed into a beautiful art from with many rules which must be strictly observed. For individuals it is a family emblem and for impersonal organisations a symbol of corporate identity. Heraldry is all around us, from a simple football shirt to complicated devices with quarterings and supporters representing the symbols of state. Even a company logo is a form of heraldry.

What is a SCA group Herald? What are the requirements for a group herald?

What should a group  herald do?

What should a group Herald NEVER do?

Search Forms for the SCA Armorial

Online SCA Ordinary

International Illustrated Glossary

The Heraldry Society of Scotland

Armorial for the Kingdom of Northshield

An SCA Primer for Newcomers

heraldry webring

Pimbley's Dictionary of Heraldry

Heraldic dictionary

Feast Survival 101


The Academy of Saint Gabriel does historical research on names and heraldry, primarily for history hobbyists interested in re-creating medieval and Renaissance Western cultures. The Academy will give you information about the authenticity of your name or arms; and if they believe it could be more authentic, they will suggest ways to improve it. However, they cannot help you with questions about genealogy or family arms. They also generally do not help people trace the origins of modern surnames.
